Personal Line | Commercial Line

Commercial Line
Property & Casualty: Taking great pride in accuracy for every type of claims handling, Adjustar's property and casualty claims adjusters are trained in the art
of investigation. Our adjusters have the expertise to obtain written and recorded statements, secure salvage, negotiate settlements, and identify subrogation.

Liability: Adjustar provides on-site investigations, evaluation, and negotiation for virtually any casualty claim. We provide automated, on-site appraisals for post-loss investigative services and replacement cost valuation service. Your bottom line is our first priority.

Heavy Equipment/Boiler & Machinery: When it comes to heavy equipment and/or boiler and machinery losses, Adjustar understands the importance of production schedules. To minimize downtime, we ensure immediate response and analyze specified equipment on an individual basis.

ph: (330) 979-3418 fx: (801) 650-8671|
8803 Brecksville Rd., Ste 7-205 Brecksville, OH 44141

©2008 Adjustar Claims, LLC